Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Adventure Awaits


Where are you right now? Are you at work, home, school, maybe a doctors appointment? Now, where do you WANT to be? Is it hiking in the mountains? Maybe it is Kayaking down a rapid river. Is it sky diving out of a plane far far up above the ground? Wherever it is or whatever it is I want you to close your eyes and see yourself there, see yourself doing what you so desire. Feel the water splashing on your skin and smelling the crisp aroma of the water as it pushes you down the river. Feel the cold sharp wind as it hits your face on the way down from the airplane right before you pull your shoot. Feel your calf's and thighs burning as you take step after step climbing that beautiful mountain. How do you feel? Is your adrenaline running through your body with excitement? Do you have goosebumps from the rush of adventure? Maybe your heart is racing, because you can't wait to see what's going to happen next. You can't wait to feel alive and keep that feeling constant. You are having the time of your life. You are living in a brief moment of excitement and adventure.

                     Now... Open your eyes and take that adventure...... For Adventure Awaits.

I don't care if your fifteen or eighty five. If you want to do something. Do it. If you want to travel across the world and see beautiful and different cultures then do it. If you want to go on a midnight run to McDonald's then do it if that't whats going to make you happy. 

They say that life is too short so live it. That saying is 110% True. We only have so much time here. We need to take that time and do what we want with it. It is ours. Many of you will give the excuses of I don't have the money, or I don't have the time, work is to crazy for me to leave, my kids need me to take care of them, ex. Yes I agree, we all have some limitations.  I'm not saying to drop your life and go crazy. I'm telling you to take a break and live a little. For those of you who are either young and free or retired and free. If you truly want to live nothing but an adventure, do it! Be selfish while you can. Go out there and gain amazing knowlagde and experiences. Do whatever it takes to make your dream life come true! Nothing is impossible. Your only obstacle in life is you. Even if you do have a family. Take them with you on your adventures. Let them be apart of your dreams. Live your dream with your family.

If your truly can't see a way out of your life. If you truly can't see that any of this is possible. Then let me be your light at the end of the tunnel. I truly have found a way to live the life I want. It's something I ran across a little bit ago that has already started to change my life. I ran across Avisae. I'll be honest I have been with many companies over the past four years. I've been manipulated, taken advantage of, and left in the cold to take care of everything by myself. With Avisae though, everything is different. Here we are a family, a team, a community. I can honestly say i'm living the life I have always wanted and I keep growing. I was once like you. A person who had a dream that seemed so far away. Now I am starting to live that dream.

                     Open you eyes and take that adventure...... For Adventure Awaits.
