Sunday, February 28, 2016

What Kind of people should you Surround Yourself with?

"Who are you surrounding yourself with?"
Growing up our parents always told us "be careful who you choose to hang out with." or "Make good friend choices." and " Who you hang out with is who you become." because we didn't know that the people we chose to surround ourselves with actually did determine who we, ourselves, were going to turn out to be. I remember thinking "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. I know who I am and nothing or nobody is going to change that." Looking back now I know my parents were right. I even told my mom that I finally realized what she had been trying to pound in my head since I started grade school was actually pretty great advice!

The cool thing about this advice is you get to choose how your life turns out because you will be  picking the crowd that suits you! For example, if you want to be a professional football player, then surround yourself with people who are working towards the same goal as you and pushing you along with them. If you decide you want to be a more upbeat and outgoing person, then hang around  a group of people who love to go out and socialize with people all the time! Maybe you are wanting to be more spiritual or dedicate yourself more to your values and religion. In that case you wouldn't hang around people who were against your beliefs or didn't care for your values. You would want to surround yourself with people you were already dedicated to exactly what you want and who you want to be.

It really is that simple! Stop hanging around those people who drag you in a direction you don't want to go. Stop trying to make excuses of why you still are friends with people who are never on the same page as you, or people who you just can't relate to anymore. There are so many amazing people out there who think like you, believe what you believe, have the same values as you, and have the same goals and dreams as you.

Dream and think BIG! You can have whatever you want! Be around anyone you want! Now go out there and find those people who see the world through your eyes! We all deserve to be happy, feel supported, be inspired, have motivating peers, relate to people, experience amazing bonds and create beautiful relationships<3

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Motivation and Determination

                                     "Wake up with Determination and Motivation!'
Sorry In advance (this is going to be a long one)
I posted a video of quotes to help give Motivation and Determination! If you have yet to watch it I greatly encourage you to. It's small things like the video I made that helps us get through day after day and soon we aren't just "getting through" we are excited to live a new day! We can't wait to get out of bed , go out into the world, and make a difference! There is nothing that brings us more pleasure than knowing you are helping others in some way and making a difference in your life and others lives! It is such a beautiful thing.
So what exactly is motivation? What is determination? Let me give you the dictionary definitions for each word then I will explain in detail what I believe those two things to be(:
Determination1.firmness of purpose; resoluteness. or 2.the process of establishing something exactly, typically by calculation or research.
Motivation: 1. the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. or 2 the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
I personally believe that determination is a mindset that individuals set for themselves where nothing will stop them from achieving their goals. Also they will stop at nothing in order to get what they want! You have to be determined if you are going to achieve your goal and keep that determination no matter what road blocks try to get in your way!(:
Motivation is what gives you Determination. In order to find your determination you need to find what motivates you. So the question is, what gets you motivated? Is it your family? Future career? Maybe it's money or the feeling of having security and being financially free? Whatever it is, use it to find that determination! 
In conclusion, Life is pretty bland without having a goal, motivation, and determination. Life is more exciting when you have your mind set on something, somewhere, or even someone and you end up getting exactly what you want because you set a goal, found your motivation, and kept your determination!
Comment below what motivates you. Also comment what success you have had from keeping your determination! 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Mind Over Matter

              "Your body can withstand almost anything, it's your mind you have to convince"
"Mind over Matter" A very common saying.
Mind over Matter basically means you and your mind have the power to make anything happen. If you truly believe it enough, it will come true. There is a story of a woman who used the secret (mind over matter) to heal herself of cancer! No Lie! she did it in less than one year! It truly is amazing that when people put their minds to things anything is possible no matter how crazy it seems. The problem now days is there are so many different theories on every aspect of life. This makes everybody skeptical and closed minded on everything that doesn't have cold hard evidence. This mainly is because people are afraid of failure, of getting hurt, misled, having their time be wasted with silly nonsense. As humans though, we get curious, we know deep down there is a better way to live. We want more. Guess what? We can have more. You can have more! All you have to do is focus on what you DO want and drop what you DON'T want. It really is as simple s that! When you first start to apply the secret or mind over matter to your life it's hard to stay faithful. But once you have had your first "a-ha" moment it will then become easier and easier to apply the secret to your life. Eventually you will be living your dream lifestyle and filling ant peace and filled wit joy while doing it. So, are you ready to change your life? All you have to do is close your eyes, envision what you want, and truly believe it is coming away. Also don't forget to have faith and apply gratitude in your life! Because without gratitude it's hard to truly appreciate your life.

Monday, February 15, 2016


The difference between happy people and unhappy people is their level of gratitude. 
Gratitude is one of the most beautiful feelings in every being. When you are grateful, you are happy. When you feel blessed, your are filled with joy. When you are thankful, you feel peace.
The more you count your blessings the more blessings seam to come your way. Gratitude is so powerful that it can get to the point where you are grateful for being grateful and for being able to see the beautiful things and people you have in your life.  No matter what situation you are in you should always be thankful. Now that doesn’t mean you can’t wish for a “better life”. It means you should be grateful for where you are at now and be excited for where you will be in the future. Also when you are are happy from being grateful you tend to see the positives in life, yourself, and others. You then start to spread your joy and gratitude to others. Like they say a smile is contagious, but imagine the amazing vibe people get when your glowing with peace, joy, and gratitude.
Don’t be afraid to realize you have a blessed life
“Gratitude opens the door to…the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe. You open the door through gratitude.”-Deepak Chopra

Laptop Lifestyle

Imagine yourself sitting on a beach. Watching the waves gently crash on the shore. The water sparkling as the sun kisses the surface of the ocean. A gentle breeze passes you by as you sit in the warm sand enjoying your beverage. As you look over to the right you see the love of your life or maybe even your family. And while you are taking in all this beauty and submerging in joy and peace, you are making money all the while.
I know, I know that sounds “too goo to be true” Right? Well it’s not. with the laptop lifestyle you get to drop the 9-5 hrs, the 80 hr work weeks. No more fallowing a tight schedule just so you can survive. Instead you create your own schedule that can be as flexible as you want. Not only are you working less but you are making so much more and getting to do all the things you love and have dreamed of while you do it!
Why wait around for retirement to enjoy your life and finally relax? There are already so many people living this lifestyle and soaking it all in, enjoying every moment of it.  YOU could be one of those people too(: It’s time to stop being a slave to society and take charge of your life. Create Your Life. Be proud of what you do. Make enough to support the life style you want and deserve!
I know you are probably wondering where you can start. Or maybe you are curious to see if this is the real deal. I am going to leave a URL down below, so all you have to do is copy and paste it into your search bar. No worries you don’t have to commit yourself if you feel this lifestyle or community isn’t for you. We want you to check it out for yourself and then make a decision if this is the path you want to take. 
Any questions? email me at: 

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

The RIGHT Mind Set

What is your Mindset?
Most peoples problem with reaching success is their mind set. People are always focusing on what they DON’T want instead of what they DO want. So how can you get yourself out of that nasty habit of turning to the negative?  First of all you have to realize you aren’t focusing on the right thing. Second you need to decide what it is you really do want. Maybe you want a successful business, maybe to spend more time with your family, you want to live a free lifestyle. Whatever that is you need to write it down and visualize yourself having that. Now I know this whole thing sounds a little ridiculous and where do you start? How do you keep on track? What is the next step? No worries we got you covered. If you want to know how to live the Lifestyle you want It’s all right here:

Don't Survive THRIVE!

MAKE 6 Figures 4 LIFE
Get FREE Training to help your Business Boom Bloom, and completely stand out (:
Find out the Secrets
Are you sick and tired of punching in and out day after day? So was I. I tried so hard to stay positive and keep moving forward while keeping a grateful smile on my face. I hardly had time to do what I loved and enjoyed and I definitely didn’t have the money either. Finally one day while I was on YouTube I saw an ad that was going to change my life forever. As soon as I joined SFM&DEA my life started to take a turn for the better! I was more motivated, happier, more excited, and I finally felt like I truly belonged somewhere. Not only was I going to be making a great amount of money, I had the support of an amazing community. Everything I ever dreamed was right in front of me. I could not believe it, I was actually going to live a the life where instead of surviving I would be THRIVING!