Sunday, February 28, 2016

What Kind of people should you Surround Yourself with?

"Who are you surrounding yourself with?"
Growing up our parents always told us "be careful who you choose to hang out with." or "Make good friend choices." and " Who you hang out with is who you become." because we didn't know that the people we chose to surround ourselves with actually did determine who we, ourselves, were going to turn out to be. I remember thinking "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. I know who I am and nothing or nobody is going to change that." Looking back now I know my parents were right. I even told my mom that I finally realized what she had been trying to pound in my head since I started grade school was actually pretty great advice!

The cool thing about this advice is you get to choose how your life turns out because you will be  picking the crowd that suits you! For example, if you want to be a professional football player, then surround yourself with people who are working towards the same goal as you and pushing you along with them. If you decide you want to be a more upbeat and outgoing person, then hang around  a group of people who love to go out and socialize with people all the time! Maybe you are wanting to be more spiritual or dedicate yourself more to your values and religion. In that case you wouldn't hang around people who were against your beliefs or didn't care for your values. You would want to surround yourself with people you were already dedicated to exactly what you want and who you want to be.

It really is that simple! Stop hanging around those people who drag you in a direction you don't want to go. Stop trying to make excuses of why you still are friends with people who are never on the same page as you, or people who you just can't relate to anymore. There are so many amazing people out there who think like you, believe what you believe, have the same values as you, and have the same goals and dreams as you.

Dream and think BIG! You can have whatever you want! Be around anyone you want! Now go out there and find those people who see the world through your eyes! We all deserve to be happy, feel supported, be inspired, have motivating peers, relate to people, experience amazing bonds and create beautiful relationships<3

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