Sunday, March 6, 2016

Why Meditate and Visualize?

                          "We are Who and What we Visualize, and with peace in 
                                   Meditation there is no doubt or anxiety"
Why is something as simple as meditating and visualizing so important? Why would anybody ever waste their time on something so "useless"? Maybe because it isn't useless. These two activities are both very important keys in living a fulfilling life. Meditation helps you open up with your inner self and stay connected to who you are. Visualizing is something you do to help yourself focus on what you want and get it.

Meditation Is a must for everyone who wants to live a calm, peaceful, and joyful life. When you clear you mind and focus on nothing, all of sudden you are starting to understand everything. Most people would say meditating is for "hippies" or think it's something useless and a waste of time. People hold on to their pride and never give it a real actual shot. Meditation, as easy as it sounds, does take practice. It's hard to stay focused on nothing, not let that mind of yours  wonder to what you have to get done for the week, or even to sit still and keep a steady breathing pattern. Although as soon as you master the art of meditation, you will start to notice that everything in your life will start to go more and more your way and seam a lot more easy and stress free.

Meditation is great but visualization is one step bigger and better! The combination of these two has amazing and miraculous results! Visualizing is where you find yourself at a peaceful state, you close your eyes and you start to visualize what you want. With visualizing you need to get into full detail, what do you see, hear, smell, taste? Where are you? Whose with you? How do you feel? You try to make it as real as possible! The more you get into it the faster and easier it will come to be true for you! Also another step in visualizing is making a "Vision Board". These are pretty self explanatory.  You cut out pictures of what you want, where you want to be, and who you want to be and post it on a board, your wall, or whatever you want. The key to a vision board is to look at it every day and then visualize yourself right there in the picture, or visualize the picture right there in your room, office , home, ex!

Yes I know, this all may sound fishy or seam "to good to be true" but it's not! I can personally testify that it has worked for me in numbers of ways! Also if you don't take my word for it maybe this article of famous actors and athletes will help you see the truth to meditation and visualization!

Good luck with practicing the arts of visualization and meditation! Comment below on techniques you have used with these two or maybe what's on your vision board! Also if there is any question do not hesitate to post them below! I would be more than happy to answer them for you! :D
Thanks- Cambrie

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