Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Success is what YOU make it

I go day to day wondering what I can do to make my life better. What is success and what is failure? I made it a choice that I'm going to get success through anything and everything! If I fail, that I will succeed to learn from that failure !(: Like they say fail fast and fail forward 👌🏼 I try not to compare my success to others success. I look at my life and I praise myself for the good I have accomplished!(: There is honestly too much negativity in this world. So many people telling themselves they aren't enough and they are a failure at everything. This is too true and too sad! We need to look at what we have achieved! Even if it's just saying "Hey I'm still alive! I'm still kicking and screaming!" That too is even an accomplishment!
So what is the definition of success? More importantly what is YOUR definition to success? You Do You! I guess we can pull out the dictionary definition of success which says "The accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Or, The attainment of popularity or profit. Or, A person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity."
Okay so what does this mean for you and "Your definition of success"?   It means when you set a goal or have an aim and you are working towards it or achieving it you are succeeding! If you are benefiting from what you are doing in any way, you are succeeding!
Success is not some huge, challenging obstacle in your life. Success is a blessing, an opportunity, a reward, a beautiful feeling.
I want you to ask yourself, are you on the road towards your success? Or are you on the road to societies success. Which you have been led to believe is THE ONE AND ONLY road to success?
Be honest with yourself, and if you need to make a change for you, do it! This is your life, this is your journey to YOUR success!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Adventure Awaits


Where are you right now? Are you at work, home, school, maybe a doctors appointment? Now, where do you WANT to be? Is it hiking in the mountains? Maybe it is Kayaking down a rapid river. Is it sky diving out of a plane far far up above the ground? Wherever it is or whatever it is I want you to close your eyes and see yourself there, see yourself doing what you so desire. Feel the water splashing on your skin and smelling the crisp aroma of the water as it pushes you down the river. Feel the cold sharp wind as it hits your face on the way down from the airplane right before you pull your shoot. Feel your calf's and thighs burning as you take step after step climbing that beautiful mountain. How do you feel? Is your adrenaline running through your body with excitement? Do you have goosebumps from the rush of adventure? Maybe your heart is racing, because you can't wait to see what's going to happen next. You can't wait to feel alive and keep that feeling constant. You are having the time of your life. You are living in a brief moment of excitement and adventure.

                     Now... Open your eyes and take that adventure...... For Adventure Awaits.

I don't care if your fifteen or eighty five. If you want to do something. Do it. If you want to travel across the world and see beautiful and different cultures then do it. If you want to go on a midnight run to McDonald's then do it if that't whats going to make you happy. 

They say that life is too short so live it. That saying is 110% True. We only have so much time here. We need to take that time and do what we want with it. It is ours. Many of you will give the excuses of I don't have the money, or I don't have the time, work is to crazy for me to leave, my kids need me to take care of them, ex. Yes I agree, we all have some limitations.  I'm not saying to drop your life and go crazy. I'm telling you to take a break and live a little. For those of you who are either young and free or retired and free. If you truly want to live nothing but an adventure, do it! Be selfish while you can. Go out there and gain amazing knowlagde and experiences. Do whatever it takes to make your dream life come true! Nothing is impossible. Your only obstacle in life is you. Even if you do have a family. Take them with you on your adventures. Let them be apart of your dreams. Live your dream with your family.

If your truly can't see a way out of your life. If you truly can't see that any of this is possible. Then let me be your light at the end of the tunnel. I truly have found a way to live the life I want. It's something I ran across a little bit ago that has already started to change my life. I ran across Avisae. I'll be honest I have been with many companies over the past four years. I've been manipulated, taken advantage of, and left in the cold to take care of everything by myself. With Avisae though, everything is different. Here we are a family, a team, a community. I can honestly say i'm living the life I have always wanted and I keep growing. I was once like you. A person who had a dream that seemed so far away. Now I am starting to live that dream.

                     Open you eyes and take that adventure...... For Adventure Awaits.


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Make Money While Traveling The World

Yes You read it Right. You can Travel the World while Making Money! No this isn't a joke or "too good to be true" This is real and it's something that society doesn't teach you! Be ready to be amazed! You are about to live the life you have always dreamed of. 

With Hard work of course (; 
The harder/ more you work at the beginning the faster you will be able to travel and keep that income flowing in! 
Questions on how this is possible? 
Email me at : cambrie13@gmail.com or cambreezy1996@gmail.com

Sunday, March 6, 2016


      Hey Guys! Thanks For all of Your support! :) I have an awesome website all set up with more of what I do! I would totally appreciate it if you guys would check it out for me(: 
Thanks! Much love<3

Why Meditate and Visualize?

                          "We are Who and What we Visualize, and with peace in 
                                   Meditation there is no doubt or anxiety"
Why is something as simple as meditating and visualizing so important? Why would anybody ever waste their time on something so "useless"? Maybe because it isn't useless. These two activities are both very important keys in living a fulfilling life. Meditation helps you open up with your inner self and stay connected to who you are. Visualizing is something you do to help yourself focus on what you want and get it.

Meditation Is a must for everyone who wants to live a calm, peaceful, and joyful life. When you clear you mind and focus on nothing, all of sudden you are starting to understand everything. Most people would say meditating is for "hippies" or think it's something useless and a waste of time. People hold on to their pride and never give it a real actual shot. Meditation, as easy as it sounds, does take practice. It's hard to stay focused on nothing, not let that mind of yours  wonder to what you have to get done for the week, or even to sit still and keep a steady breathing pattern. Although as soon as you master the art of meditation, you will start to notice that everything in your life will start to go more and more your way and seam a lot more easy and stress free.

Meditation is great but visualization is one step bigger and better! The combination of these two has amazing and miraculous results! Visualizing is where you find yourself at a peaceful state, you close your eyes and you start to visualize what you want. With visualizing you need to get into full detail, what do you see, hear, smell, taste? Where are you? Whose with you? How do you feel? You try to make it as real as possible! The more you get into it the faster and easier it will come to be true for you! Also another step in visualizing is making a "Vision Board". These are pretty self explanatory.  You cut out pictures of what you want, where you want to be, and who you want to be and post it on a board, your wall, or whatever you want. The key to a vision board is to look at it every day and then visualize yourself right there in the picture, or visualize the picture right there in your room, office , home, ex!

Yes I know, this all may sound fishy or seam "to good to be true" but it's not! I can personally testify that it has worked for me in numbers of ways! Also if you don't take my word for it maybe this article of famous actors and athletes will help you see the truth to meditation and visualization!  http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-20630/8-successful-people-who-use-the-power-of-visualization.html

Good luck with practicing the arts of visualization and meditation! Comment below on techniques you have used with these two or maybe what's on your vision board! Also if there is any question do not hesitate to post them below! I would be more than happy to answer them for you! :D
Thanks- Cambrie

Sunday, February 28, 2016

What Kind of people should you Surround Yourself with?

"Who are you surrounding yourself with?"
Growing up our parents always told us "be careful who you choose to hang out with." or "Make good friend choices." and " Who you hang out with is who you become." because we didn't know that the people we chose to surround ourselves with actually did determine who we, ourselves, were going to turn out to be. I remember thinking "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. I know who I am and nothing or nobody is going to change that." Looking back now I know my parents were right. I even told my mom that I finally realized what she had been trying to pound in my head since I started grade school was actually pretty great advice!

The cool thing about this advice is you get to choose how your life turns out because you will be  picking the crowd that suits you! For example, if you want to be a professional football player, then surround yourself with people who are working towards the same goal as you and pushing you along with them. If you decide you want to be a more upbeat and outgoing person, then hang around  a group of people who love to go out and socialize with people all the time! Maybe you are wanting to be more spiritual or dedicate yourself more to your values and religion. In that case you wouldn't hang around people who were against your beliefs or didn't care for your values. You would want to surround yourself with people you were already dedicated to exactly what you want and who you want to be.

It really is that simple! Stop hanging around those people who drag you in a direction you don't want to go. Stop trying to make excuses of why you still are friends with people who are never on the same page as you, or people who you just can't relate to anymore. There are so many amazing people out there who think like you, believe what you believe, have the same values as you, and have the same goals and dreams as you.

Dream and think BIG! You can have whatever you want! Be around anyone you want! Now go out there and find those people who see the world through your eyes! We all deserve to be happy, feel supported, be inspired, have motivating peers, relate to people, experience amazing bonds and create beautiful relationships<3

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Motivation and Determination

                                     "Wake up with Determination and Motivation!'
Sorry In advance (this is going to be a long one)
I posted a video of quotes to help give Motivation and Determination! If you have yet to watch it I greatly encourage you to. It's small things like the video I made that helps us get through day after day and soon we aren't just "getting through" we are excited to live a new day! We can't wait to get out of bed , go out into the world, and make a difference! There is nothing that brings us more pleasure than knowing you are helping others in some way and making a difference in your life and others lives! It is such a beautiful thing.
So what exactly is motivation? What is determination? Let me give you the dictionary definitions for each word then I will explain in detail what I believe those two things to be(:
Determination1.firmness of purpose; resoluteness. or 2.the process of establishing something exactly, typically by calculation or research.
Motivation: 1. the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. or 2 the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
I personally believe that determination is a mindset that individuals set for themselves where nothing will stop them from achieving their goals. Also they will stop at nothing in order to get what they want! You have to be determined if you are going to achieve your goal and keep that determination no matter what road blocks try to get in your way!(:
Motivation is what gives you Determination. In order to find your determination you need to find what motivates you. So the question is, what gets you motivated? Is it your family? Future career? Maybe it's money or the feeling of having security and being financially free? Whatever it is, use it to find that determination! 
In conclusion, Life is pretty bland without having a goal, motivation, and determination. Life is more exciting when you have your mind set on something, somewhere, or even someone and you end up getting exactly what you want because you set a goal, found your motivation, and kept your determination!
Comment below what motivates you. Also comment what success you have had from keeping your determination! 